pp108 : Uploading a Business Process

Uploading a Business Process

This topic provides an overview on how to upload the data for the selected business processes in the organization.

Before you begin this task:

  • Process Platform BAM MDM Model package must be deployed.
  • You must have an Administrator role to view the BAM Administration ( ) task on CUSP.

To upload business process instances data to the BAM tables, do the following:

  1. On CUSP, click BAM Administration . The BAM Administration page is displayed.
  2. Select one of the options from Past events and Latest events for uploading the data.
  3. Click Start Uploading. The list displays the selected business processes that were saved earlier (if any).
  4. Add or remove the required business process. The historical data of the selected business processes is uploaded.
    Note: Selecting atleast one business process is mandatory to trigger the upload activity.
  5. If required, provide input for the time frame. Time frame is based on the process instances creation time as listed below:
    • To upload all the instances related to the selected business processes, do not select any time frame.
    • To upload the instances related to the selected business process created from a specific date (inclusive) till current date, select only from-date.
    • To upload the instances related to the selected business process created from the beginning till a specific date (inclusive), select only to-date.
    • To upload the instances related to the selected business process created between a date range (both inclusive), select both from and to dates.
  6. Click Upload. Uploading is triggered with the selected business processes.
    Note: The selected list of business processes is applicable to the current upload iteration only. This list is not considered for synchronization.
  7. Click View log to view the upload related logs. For further details, refer Viewing MDM Logs.


  1. You are recommended to upload the historical process instances data from BAM Administration, than from the MDM Model Browser.
  2. To trigger an upload in non-system organization, BAM service container is not needed, provided the BAM service container in the system organization is started.

Related information

Business Activity Monitoring Administration